» Contact us
Contact us
Head of Department:
Dr. Tibor Bartha
Head of Secretariat:
Noémi Szabó
Educational officer:
Szajbertné Nagy Krisztina
 phone: (+36-1) 478-4248
Contact for students:
(+36-1) 478-4248
(+36-1) 478-4163
(+36-1) 478-4157
(+36-1) 478-4165
Postal address:
P. O. Box 2. Budapest, 1400 Hungary
Contact address:
István u. 2. Budapest, 1078 Hungary
Main scheduled dates and tests/exam results are announced via e-mail. Therefore, students are kindly asked to give their e-mail address. Should your e-mail address change, please notify Mrs. Krisztina Szajbertné Nagy. Please note that all e-mailed data are only for information. The official announcements are placed on the message board at the main gate of building C. The webpage of the department and the e-mails are not considered to be the official way of communication. The department is not liable for web page or e-mail malfunctions or any unavailable electronic information. Students must not refer to any kind of web page status as an excuse for missing obligations. Missing e-mails cannot be arguments, either.
Should you have any questions please don' t hesitate to contact us.