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Essay questions

Inner environment, blood

1. Milleau Interieur, compartments, changes of water compartments
2. Volume quantification of fluid compartments
3. Factors influencing the EC and IC compartmetns; anelectrolite and electrolite components of the blood plasma
4. Components of osmotic pressure; functions, fractination and changes of plasma proteins
5. Interstitia fluid (ISF): transport through the capillary wall; measurement and composition of ISF


6. Physiological role of the blood, definitions and changes in blood volumes
7. Red blood cells and the hemoglobin
8. Neutrophyl and basophyl granulocytes
9. Eosinohyl granulocytes, mononuclear phagocytes, thrombocytes
10. Human and animal blood groups
11. Haemostasis (except coagulation cascade mechanism) and stopping blood coagulation
12. Haemostasis: coagulation cascade mechanism


13. Organs, Cells and their functions of the Immune System, Natural Immunity
14. Adaptive (acquired) immune response; structure of the antigens and immunoglobulins
15. The Complement-system, Humoral immunity, B lymphocytes and self-restriction
16. Cellular immunity, maturation and function of T-lymphocytes

Muscle physiology

17. The regulation of muscle work and muscle-nerve connection: the motor unit
18. Molecular aspects of muscle contraction, electromechanical coupling and the cross-bridge cycle
19. Types of striated muscles, energy sources of muscle functioning, oxygen debt, heat production and muscle fatigue
20. Macroscopic events of muscle contraction, length-tension diagram: working range and power of the muscle
21. Characteristics of smooth muscle

Physiology of the Heart

22. Electrical properties of cellular elements in the heart: the membrane potential, pacemaker and conducting system
23. Electrical properties of working muscle fibers in the heart; the electromechanical coupling
24. Electrocardiogram; analysis of ECG
25. Mechanical properties of the heart; Starling's law
26. Parameters of the cardiac cycle; volume fractions; factors influencing cardiac output
27. The cardiac cycle
28. The blood pressure in different parts of the circulatory system; Factors maintaining the blood pressure in arteries
29. Blood pressure values in the resistance part (arteries) of the circulation, the blood pressure measurement; pulse
30. Physiological characteristics of microcirculation; exchange of substances in capillaries with diffusion and filtration-resorption
31. Physiological characteristics of venous circulation
32. Local factors of cardiovascular regulation
33. Central factors of cardiovascular regulation
34. Properties of circulation in the coronaries, the skin, the brain, splanchnic circulation, and the fetal circulation.

Physiology of Respiration

35. Respiratory tracts, respiratory movements, panting
36. Measurable and calculable fractions of respiratory air fractions, ventilation coefficient; perfusion of the lungs
37. Pressure changes during respiration, the respiratory work, compliance
38. Gas diffusion in the lungs; the transport of oxygen, and carbon dioxide
39. The regulation of respiration
40. The respiration of birds, the respiration of cattle

Physiology of the Kidney

41. Basic physiological functions of the kidney: filtration, reabsorption, secretion, excretion
42. Important parameters of renal function (clearance, extraction, RPF, RBF, GFR)
43. Transport processes in the proximal tubule
44. Transport in the Henle-loop and the distal convoluted tubule; transport of ammonia and potassium
45. Transport at the distal connective tubule and at the collecting tubule; water transport
46. Osmotic gradient and osmotic capacity of the kidney
47. Neural and autoregulation of renal circulation
48. Osmoregulation, antidiuretic hormone
49. Volume regulation in the kidney, Renin-Angiotensin System, aldosterone and ANP
50. The urinary tract and the process of urination

Physiology of digestion

51. Neurohormonal regulation of food intake and gastrintestinal tract
52. Food intake, salivary secretion, process of swallowing
53. Motoric activity and electrophysiology of the gastrointestinal tract
54. Secretion and regulation of gastric juice
55. The exocrine function of the pancreas, pancreas enzymes, regulation of pancreatic juice secretion
56. Production, functions and regulation of the bile
57. Catabolism and absorption of carbohydrates
58. Catabolism and absorption of lipids
59. Catabolism and absorption of the proteins
60. Electrolyte cycle of intestinal canal, water transport, iron absorption
61. Digestion in the colon, feces formation, defaecatio
62. Motility of the forestomachs, eructation, rumination
63. Avian digestion

Energy metabolism, Heat balance

64. Combustion heat of nutrients, utilization of energy content of nutrients in the body
65. Basal- and resting energy metabolism, factors affecting metabolic rate
66. Calorimetryc methods, the definition and importance of the respiratory quotient
67. The heat balance, and the effect of the environmental temperature.
68. Heat balance regulation
69. Thermogenesis at the cellular level; function of cells, organelles, molecules and tissues in thermogenesis

Bone and minerals

70. Role of calcium and phosphorus, absorption, distribution and excretion
71. The role of the osteoblast, osteoclast and osteocyte
72. The role of the PTH, calcitonin, and the D-hormone in the Ca balance


73. Classification of hormones; Scatchard Analysis; feed-back mechanism
74. Communication among cells, Intracellular receptor signaling
75. Membrane receptor signaling
76. Hypothalamic factors influencing the adenohypophysis, hormones of the neurohypophysis
77. Growth hormone
78. Hormones of adenohypophysis (except growth hormone)
79. The pineal gland
80. The thyroid hormones
81. Synthesis, regulation and physiological effects of glucocorticoids
82. Pharmacological effect of glucocorticoids, and the physiology of the stress
83. Mineralocorticoids
84. Catecholamines
85. Insulin and glucagon
86. Eicosanoids and autacoids


87. Neuroendocrine regulation of reproduction
88. Proestrus
89. Estrus
90. Metestrus, diestrus, anestrus
91. Fertilization, embryogenesis; maternal recognition of pregnancy
92. Endocrinology of pregnancy; fetoplacental endocrine unit
93. The endocrinology of parturition; birth
94. Mammary gland development, lactogenesis
95. Male genitals, hormone regulation in the male reproductive system, spermatogenesis
96. The role of accessory sexual glands in males, male sexual reflexes
97. Reproduction of birds


98. Membrane potential, local response and action potential, propagation of the action potential
99. Axonal transport and synaptic transmission, sensors, types of ion channels
100. General characteristic of the spinal cord, neural networks, Rexed zones, Dermatomes
101. The reflexes and movement patterns
102. Autonomic Nervous System
103. Sensory mechanisms in the central nervous system; physiology of pain
104. Posture control in the central nervous system
105. Intentional movements and the cerebellum
106. The physiology of sleeping; the reticular formation
107. The limbic system, behavior
108. Physiological methods of information storage and retrieval - memory and the different levels of learning
109. Receptors, taste, olfaction
110. Vision, Cellular mechanism of light perception, color vision
111. Object viewing, visual acuity, visual field, visual pathway
112. Inner ear; vestibular appartus and hearing
Randomly selected two essay questions:
  • Physiology of the Heart
    • 27. Parameters of the cardiac cycle; volume fractions; factors influencing cardiac output
  • Neurophysiology
    • 111. Object viewing, visual acuity, visual field, visual pathway